You don't know love until you know Love.
Love reached out to my close friend, just so He could get closer to me.
Love patiently waited until I was ready.
Love never condemned me for loving His antithesis, and even comforted me through my affair. I ignored and took advantage of Love, only coming around out of desperation, but Love was just happy I came at all.
Love relished in these moments, though they were few and far between.
Above all, Love knew my name.
I was unfulfilled and desperate for pleasure, and when Love wrapped His arms around me, I couldn't believe I qualified to experience something so powerfully pure and overwhelmingly exquisite.
Love's true nature pulled me out of a disrespectfully ugly and destructive relationship. Love showed me how love should feel, and since that moment, I've never settled for less.
I encourage you, Reader, to make that vow too.
Love, I ask that you supernaturally wrap your arms around the person reading this, and show them who You are.
1 Corinthians 13:4
